Extrinsic #11882607-1
2024-02-08 17:27:42 (+UTC)
Block Time
100 days 2 hrs ago
Life Time11882600 - 11882664
Extrinsic Hash
Estimated Fee
polymesh - POLYX
Used Fee
polymesh - POLYX
[2 items
0:{4 items
1:{4 items
"type_name":"Box<<T as Config<I>>::Proposal>"
"value":{4 items
"params":[4 items
0:{3 items
"value":{4 items
"params":[1 items
0:{3 items
"value":[4 items
0:{4 items
"params":[2 items
0:{3 items
1:{3 items
"value":{3 items
"description":"Specifies the starting point for constructing off-chain URIs that store JSON-formatted metadata for NFTs within a collection. Allows dynamic {tokenId} substitution for individual NFTs. If {tokenId} is part of the base token URI, users are responsible for substituting it with the specific NFT's ID to create unique URIs. If {tokenId} is not included, users must append the token ID to the end of the base token URI to form NFT-specific URIs."
"type_def":"Text - not SCALE encoded"
1:{4 items
"params":[2 items
0:{3 items
1:{3 items
"value":{3 items
"description":"Specifies the starting point for constructing off-chain URIs related to NFT images in a collection. Allows dynamic {tokenId} substitution for individual NFTs. If {tokenId} is part of the base image URI, users are responsible for substituting it with the specific NFT's ID to create unique URIs. If {tokenId} is not included, users must append the token ID to the end of the base image URI to form NFT-specific URIs. It is recommended to include {tokenId} in the base image URI to handle file extensions appropriately."
"type_def":"Text - not SCALE encoded"
2:{4 items
"params":[2 items
0:{3 items
1:{3 items
"value":{3 items
"description":"Points to an off-chain URI that stores JSON formatted metadata related to an individual NFT. Supports dynamic {tokenId} substitution for individual NFTs allowing it to be used at either the individual NFT and collection levels. If {tokenId} is part of the token URI, users are responsible for substituting it with the specific NFT's ID to create unique URIs."
"type_def":"Text - not SCALE encoded"
3:{4 items
"params":[2 items
0:{3 items
1:{3 items
"value":{3 items
"description":"Points to an off-chain URI that stores an image for an individual NFT. Supports dynamic {tokenId} substitution for individual NFTs allowing it to be used at either the individual NFT and collection levels. If {tokenId} is part of the token URI, users are responsible for substituting it with the specific NFT's ID to create unique URIs."
"type_def":"Text - not SCALE encoded"
1:{3 items
2:{3 items
3:{3 items
"value":"Add Global Metadata keys for NFTs"